Yasujiro Ozu

Yasujiro Ozu can be referred to as the “most Japanese of all directors”. His films embodied the Japanese spirit. He brings traditional and modern together in his films. He uses the transcendental style to make his films not only fit the Japanese traditional culture but also to better express the breaking from tradition that the …

Shot-by-Shot Analysis

For my Intro to Film Analysis class I had to analyze a scene from the film The Man From U.N.C.L.E. shot-by-shot. We all had to analyze the same scene. Below is my shot-by-shot analysis of the scene. The Scene Shot-by-Shot Breakdown The Analysis Solo and Kuryakin have a like-hate relationship which is evident in the …

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Ideology Theories

There are many film theories out there. There are also many ideas about the same theory. Film theorists have many ideas of what ideology in a film is. Jame McLaughlin bases his ideas of ideology on Freud’s theories and mythology (McLaughlin). Robin Wood uses theories of ideology, genre and auteur to explore film theory (Wood). …

Hitchcock as an Auteur

Is Alfred Hitchcock an auteur? What does auteur mean? “…As far as I know, there is no definition of the auteur theory in the English language, that is, by any American or British critic.” (Sarris)  According to Dictionary.com, auteur means “a filmmaker whose personal influence and artistic control over a movie are so great that …

“Mortal Engines”, a Steampunk Remake of “Star Wars”

Mortal Engines (2018), directed by newcomer Christian Rivers, is based on a young adult novel of the same name by British author Philip Reeve. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world that was destroyed by a “60-minute war” some thousand years ago. Those that survived created steampunk like mobile cities that go around devouring towns …