Rebecca & Marnie & Feminism

Women’s Films The two films Rebecca (Hitchcock, 1940) and Marnie (Hitchcock, 1964) are women’s films, as they both “highlight a woman’s difficulty (with Marnie, her failure) in negotiating the oedipal trajectory and her problematic attachment to another woman, here [in Marnie] the mother”  (Jacobowitz, pg 16). Mrs. de Winter has no mother figure, so she …

The Male Gaze in Vertigo

First Look The first appearance of Madeline in Vertigo is at Ernie’s in a busy room. As she becomes visible the camera stops panning and starts dollying in towards her. At the same time, the sounds of the room quiet down and the music swells into Madeline’s song. She is on display. The low-back dress reveals the perfect skin …

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Ideology Theories

There are many film theories out there. There are also many ideas about the same theory. Film theorists have many ideas of what ideology in a film is. Jame McLaughlin bases his ideas of ideology on Freud’s theories and mythology (McLaughlin). Robin Wood uses theories of ideology, genre and auteur to explore film theory (Wood). …

Hitchcock as an Auteur

Is Alfred Hitchcock an auteur? What does auteur mean? “…As far as I know, there is no definition of the auteur theory in the English language, that is, by any American or British critic.” (Sarris)  According to, auteur means “a filmmaker whose personal influence and artistic control over a movie are so great that …