Candace Duffy Jones
Video Editor


For my graduate studies, I edited a music video using footage from EditStock.com. I added my own VFX, sound design (not including the song), and editing flair. I enjoyed this project as it was nothing like anything I edited before.

Essentials of Survival
Drama, Family
25 m
Casey Jones, Nicky Lowney, Daniel Carberg, Peter Mendes

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Emily is tired of being a scout, nature survival is overrated in her mind. When her family goes on an overnight hike, she gets lost in the forest and must survive the night. Using her scouting skills, she does well and can navigate the forest through a cold night, a fall in a stream, injury, and more. However, when the weather turns bad and there is no sign of being found she starts to give up hope.

Official Sections of the Boston Independent Film Awards 2021
Narrative Experience


For my graduate studies, I edited a short film using footage from EditStock.com. Horizon is a narrative drama that features a Native American and a Mexican. I had to create subtitles for the Spanish spoken during the film. I edited this film with little knowledge of Spanish.

Goffstown TV
Viva Las Glennie
Viva Las Glennie

This was a collaborative project at GTV. Everyone played a role in broadcasting live footage during the Glen Lake Swim event. I was assigned editing the footage into a 30 minute video for a theatrical premiere at Chunky’s Theater. I provided editing up until the final editing which was completed by another member of the team.

Book Circle Presents
Book Circle Presents

I was responsible for filming and editing this show each week. I redesigned the intro title sequence, lower thirds, and sound.

Librarian’s Pick of the Week
Librarian’s Pick of the Week

I was responsible for filming and editing this show each week. I redesigned the intro title sequence, lower thirds, and sound.

National Night Out
National Night Out

I was responsible for capturing the event, with the help of other GTV team members. I also edited the video.

Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention

I was responsible for editing the video for this event.

Firearm Safety
Firearm Safety & Storage Training

I was responsible for editing the video for this event.

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Documentary Experience

“Cities at Dawn” Workshop Promo

Another project I worked on for my graduate studies. I received the footage from my professor who filmed it all. The footage focuses on a photographer who photographs cities at dawn. I made a promo to promote a workshop the photographer taught to those interested in taking photos at dawn.