

Casting “Essentials of Survival” a short film about a 12-year-old girl named Emily who is tired of being a scout, nature survival is overrated in her mind. When her family goes on an overnight hike, she gets lost in the forest and must survive the night. Using her scouting skills, she does well and can navigate the forest through a cold night, a fall in a stream, injury, and more. However, when the weather turns bad and there is no sign of being found she starts to give up hope.


Hannah (Supporting)

Female, 35-45

Hannah is the mother of Emily. She wants what is best for her daughter. She enjoys hiking and camping with her family. Motherly, adventurous, outdoorsy.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Jeff (Supporting)

Male, 35-45

Jeff is the father of Emily. He was a scout and loves going hiking and camping with his family. He worries about his daughter but doesn’t really show it. He has a sense of humor. Funny, adventurous, outdoorsy.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Brandon (Supporting)

Male, 45-65

Brandon is a hunter who encounters Emily. He is middle-aged. He enjoys hunting as a hobby with his buddy George. He is a grandfather. Friendly, intelligent, outdoorsy.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

George (Supporting)

Male, 45-65

George is a hunter who encounters Emily. He is middle-aged. He enjoys hunting as a hobby with his buddy Brandon. He is a family doctor and a grandfather. Friendly, caring, intelligent, outdoorsy.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Park Ranger 1 (Day Player)

All Genders, 18+

Park Ranger 1 is a small part with a few lines. Dutiful, outdoorsy, authoritative.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Park Ranger 2 (Background / Extra)

All Genders, 18+

Park Ranger 2 has no lines. He just leads Emily out of the woods and stands in the background afterward.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Shooting in November on weekends. Talent must be willing to travel to the Milford to Keene, New Hampshire area. All filling will be down outdoors in the woods.


No Pay. Reimbursement for travel costs, material for acting reel; food/catering will be provided.

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